Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Political Determinants Affecting the HK Insurance Market Essay

Introduction This part of the paper will analyse the external environment of HK insurance market through the use of PESTEL and Five Forces Analysis. PESTEL Analysis It can be noted that the HK Insurance market has always been dependent on international business climate as well as its product cycles. Consequently, the HK Insurance market has been deliberated as one of the growing industries throughout the years. The following figure shows the analysis of the political, economical, socio-cultural and technological, legal and environmental attributes and determinants affecting HK Insurance market. Figure 1 PESTLE Analysis Political| Economical| Socio-Cultural| * Taxation Policy of Hong Kong * Foreign trade Regulations * Political status and condition of Hong Kong and the global market| * Product life cycles * Business Cycles * Rate of unempoyment * Disposable income| * Lifestyle of the target market * Income distribution * Cultural diversity| Technological| Legal| Environmental| * Rapid transition in technology * Speed of technological transfer| * Laws and regulations about that covers apparel industries * Following regulations in the foreign trade| * Awareness of environmental protection * Existence of Green Products| One of the political determinants that affect HK Insurance market is the diverse taxations which surrounds Hong Kong market which lead to re-imports. In this regard, the vehicles are being bought overseas, re-imported to the locale market which influence the price of the product. In the period of economical issues, clients do not substitute their financial and insurance products and services offerings. On one hand, there are some insurance firms which are common in the market environment which expresses a new way of providing their services to their clients. In line with technological determinants, HK Insurance market nowadays is being quiker in line with the business standards as well as considers information system for data records management. In addition, so as to cope with the environmental determinants, further consolidation of the HK Insurance market is expected and consideration of insurance products must be given emphasis. Aside from PESTLE analysis, the HK Insurance market will also be analysed through the consideration of Porter’s five Forces model. 1. Suppliers. In the case of the insuranceindustry, speficifically in the current objectives and plans of HK Insurance market, decision-makers of the corporation must have a clear comprehenson of the business dynamics in which employees are directly involved in. Such consider the employees’ concentration or and core corporate interests, diversity of the products as well as the designs being offered as well as the alternative resources that are accessible for the HK Insurance market in terms of business partnerships. Hence, it is most proper to build win–win relationships with employees or have an agreement on the use of multiple employees in array to protect the interests of both ends. 2. Power of BuyersThe power of clients/buyer s describes the implicate clients/buyer s/buyer ss have on an industry. When buyer power is robust, the relationship to the producing industry becomes closer tomarket conditions wherein the buyer has the most influence in shaping the price. In this regard, the insurance company should be able to provide the need of their clients specifically in lique with information system. 3. New Entrants and Barriers of Entry. The plausibility of new corporations entering the industry influences the pace of the industrial competition. Therefore, the key is to analyse the entry technique as well as exit approach of the new player to the HK Insurance market. Although any corporation must be able to enter and exit the sector, each industry presents diverse degrees of complexity influenced by economics. In terms of insurance market. 4. Substitutes. â€Å"Substitute products† as those that is accessible in other industries that meet an identical or similar demand for the end user. As more substitutes become obtainable as well as price affordable, the demand becomes more elastic since clients/buyer s/buyer ss have more optonss. The threat of substitutes often implicates price-based competition since substitute products may restrict the capability of corporations within an industry to raise prices and improve margins. 5. Industry Competitors. A considerable number of corporations have developed into an essential part of the period of global competition, increasing enhancement, enhanced corporate paradigms, and corporate restructure. The continuous transition from the conventional corporate framework with its hierarchical corporations to a worldwide, knowledge-founded financial system as well as intelligent corporations demands business management to realign and relocate its techniques (Oliver, 1997). Along with the intense marketing nowadays, corporations are faced with the challenge to sustain their own competitive edge so as to survive and be successful. Techniques and marketing tactics are carefully planned and executed to gain the ultimate goal of all: corporation growth (Porter, 1990). Among the HK Insurance market player the management of each company should be able to sustain their competencies. Reference Oliver, C 1997, â€Å"Sustainable competitive advantage: Combining institutional and resource-Based views. †Ã‚  Strategic Management Journal18(9): 697-713. Porter, ME, 1980,  Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, Free Press, New York.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Began his career attempting to scientifically validate Fraud's theory of depression. When the failed, he began researching a cognitive model of depression that results in his rejection and isolation from the psychiatric. Arnold Lazarus Grounded his work in cognitive and social learning theories, developed multimode therapy. Which involves a multi faceted assessment and encourages technical eclecticism to effect change across all areas all areas of functioning and experience.When People Understand or have Insight into how they needlessly disturb themselves and create an unhealthy and dysfunctional feelings and behaviors, that insight often will help them change and make themselves less disturbed. But understanding and insight is not enough. In order to significantly change themselves, They almost always have to pinpoint their irrational philosophies work at changing them to more functional and self helping attitudes. Cognitive, Emotive-evocative and Behavioral. Ellis 2003- Rational em otive behavior therapy (REST) the first of the cognitive behavior therapies, and nowadays it continues to be a major cognitive behavioral approach. 0 REBUT has a great deal in common with the therapies that are oriented toward cognition and behavior as it also stresses thinking, Judging, deciding, analyzing, and doing. The basic assumption of REBUT is that people contribute to their own psychological problems, as well as to specific symptoms, by the rigid and extreme beliefs they hold about events and situations. REBUT is based on the assumption that cognitions, emotions, and behaviors interact significantly and have a reciprocal cause-and-effect relationship. Moreover REST's basic hypothesis is that our emotions stem mainly from our beliefs, which influence the evaluations and interpretations however we make of the reactions we have to life situations. Through the therapeutic process, clients learn skills that give them the tools to identify and dispute irrational beliefs that have been acquired and self-constructed and are now maintained by self-indoctrination.In addition learn the process themselves how to replace such ineffective ways of thinking with effective and rational cognitions, and as a result they change their emotional reactions to situations. View of Human Nature Rational emotive behavior therapy is based on the assumption that human beings are born with a potential for both rational, or â€Å"straight,† thinking and irrational, or â€Å"crooked,† thinking. People have tendencies for self-preservation, happiness, hinging and verbalizing, loving, communion with others, and growth and self- actualization.They also have inclinations for self-destruction, avoidance of thought, procrastination, endless repetition of mistakes, superstition, intolerance, perfectionism and self-blame, and avoidance of actualization growth potentials. View of Emotional Disturbance Based on the premise that we learn irrational beliefs from significant others during childhood and then re-create these irrational beliefs throughout our lifetime. The therapeutic should be actively reinforce our sulfanilamide beliefs through the recesses of autosuggestion and self-repetition, and we then behave in ways that are consistent with these beliefs.Hence, it is largely our own repetition of early-indoctrinated irrational beliefs, rather than a parent's repetition, that keeps dysfunctional attitudes alive and operative within us. In addition therapist teaches clients how to feel sad, but not depressed. â€Å"l must do well and win the approval of others for my performances or else I am no good. † â€Å"Other people must treat me considerately, fairly, kindly, and in exactly the way I want them to treat me. If they don't, they are no good and they deserve to be condemned and punished. â€Å"l must get what I want, when I want it; and I must not get what I don't want. If I don't get what I want, it's terrible, I can't stand it, and life is no good for depriving me of what I must have. † A-B-C Framework The A-B-C framework is central to REBUT theory and practice. This model provides a useful tool for understanding the client's feelings, thoughts, events, and behavior (Wolfe, 2007) Assumption in Cognitive Therapy Fully acknowledging that we are largely responsible for creating our own emotional robbers.Accepting the concept that we have the ability to change these disturbances significantly Recognizing that our emotional problems largely stem from irrational beliefs Clearly observe beliefs Seeing the value of disputing such self-defeating beliefs Therapeutic Process According to Ellis (2001 b; Ellis & Harper, 1997), we have a strong tendency not only to rate our acts and behaviors as â€Å"good† or â€Å"bad,† â€Å"worthy' or â€Å"unworthy,† on the other hand likewise to rate ourselves as a total person on the basis of our performances.These marks found one of the main sources of our emotiona l assistances. As a result, most rational emotive behavior therapists have the general goal of teaching clients how to separate the evaluation of their behaviors from the evaluation of themselves their essence and their totality Pearce and how to accept themselves in spite of their imperfections. Therapist's Function and Role The therapist has specific tasks, and the first step is to show clients how they have incorporated many irrational absolute â€Å"should,† â€Å"oughtn't,† and â€Å"musts. Moreover somewhat dispute clients' irrational beliefs and encourages clients to engage in activities that will counter their self-defeating beliefs and to replace their rigid â€Å"musts† with preferences. A second step in the therapeutic process is to validate how clients are keeping their emotional disturbances active by continuing to think illogically and unrealistically. In other words, because clients keep re programming themselves and the client's responsible for their own psychological problems. The Third Step helping clients modify their thinking and minimize their irrational ideas.Even though it is unlikely that we can entirely eliminate the tendency to think irrationally and reduce the frequency of such thinking. Lastly, step in the therapeutic process is to challenge clients to develop a rational philosophy of life so that in the future they can avoid becoming the victim of other irrational beliefs. Embark upon only specific problems or symptoms can give no assurance that new illogical fears will not emerge. REBUT focal point here-and-now experiences and clients' present ability to change the patterns of thinking and emoting that they constructed earlier.The therapist does not apply much time to exploring clients' early history and making inspections between their past and present behavior unless doing so will aid the therapeutic process. Nor does the therapist usually explore clients' early relationships with their parents or siblings. Instead, the therapeutic process stresses to clients that they are presently disturbed because they still believe in and act upon their self- defeating view of themselves, other people, and the world.Cognitive Approaches Grounded on the idea that Psychological Disorder are characterized by dysfunctional thinking based on dysfunctional beliefs Usually incorporate a persuasive cognitive methodology in the therapeutic process. Demonstrate to clients in a quick and direct manner what it is that they are continuing to tell themselves. Teaches client's how to deal with these self-statements so that they no longer believe them, encouraging them to acquire a philosophy based on reality. REBUT relies heavily on thinking, disputing, debating, challenging, interpreting, explaining, and teaching.Disputing Irrational beliefs ; Disputing irrational beliefs. The most common cognitive method of REBUT consists of the therapist actively disputing clients' irrational beliefs and teaching them how to do this challenging on their own. Clients go over a particular â€Å"must,† absolute â€Å"should,† or â€Å"ought† until t hey no longer hold that irrational belief, or at least until it is diminished in strength. Doing cognitive homework Clients are expected to make lists of their problems, look for their absolutist beliefs, and dispute these beliefs.Functioning homework, clients are encouraged to put themselves in risk- taking situations that will allow them to challenge their selecting beliefs. Where in client with a talent for acting who is afraid to act in front of an audience because of fear of failure may be asked to take a small part in a stage play. Bibliographer Assigning clients readings that will be Motivating and Instructional for dealing with their presenting Problem. However Therapist/Counselor assign Self Help Books to Read and Also Suggest to Read a Inspiration Inspirational Literatures.Cinema Therapy – Similar to bibliographer, Cinema T herapy Involves assigning client to watch a movie that will speak to the problem issue. Labeling Cognition Philosophical questioning and direction questions, Some client find it helpful in identifying and label distorted thinking to reduce it sway on them. Counselor/Therapist will reinforce to help the client to practice labeling distorted hinging in session so that clients can transfer this skill to their everyday lives.Arbitrary inference: † Jumping to conclusions† Selective Abstraction: † Filtering out the Positive† Personalization: † All Boys are like that† Magnification and minimization: † Emphasizing the negative and Ignoring the positive†. Personalization: † Exaggerating one's responsibility or misinterpreting neutral comments†. Dichotomous Thinking: â€Å"Black and White† Misleading: † Attaching an extreme or personalized label to a person or situation†. Mind Reading: † Assuming negative tho ughts and intentions on the part of others†.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Billy Elliot Movie Review Film Studies Essay

Billy Elliot Movie Review Film Studies Essay Billy Elliot was on set during the UK miners strike in 1984- 1985. At that point of time, most families like Billy s believed that guys who danced are gays and that dancing are only meant for girls. However, guys made a history on stage instead of women. There is a stereotype view whereby a male dancer is gay, but in the movie, the character that plays the gay role, is not a dancer and that the one who is not gay became a dancer. This relates to the history of dance where male dancers were the ones who ruled the stage before the female dancers and that they were not gay where as those who were gay were not dancers. In the movie, Billy s friend Michael Caffery was the gay as he slowly developed feelings for Billy. However, Michael is not a dancer and dance was not an interest for him. He only supported Billy and encouraged Billy to pursue his dreams. Despite having men who danced in history, many later believed that guys are gays if they danced as ladies changed history when they dom inated the stage later on. In the movie, it was on set during the UK miners strike, this was a time when the peasants weren t doing very well financially. this could be seen in the village where the people lived. Billy s family lived in a house where there isn t room of every single person in the house, like Billy had to share a room with his brother Tony. This could be compared to the more well to do families in the different part of the village at Stepharina Chan 2 that time, was Billy s ballet teacher Georgia Wilkinson who lived in a pleasant looking house and drove a car. Billy s ballet teacher, Georgia belief in Billy gave Billy the chance to train for an audition for the royal academy of dance. As compared to Billy, he wanted to join the academy and audition for it, however, money was a big issue to him and also the fact that Billy s father, Jamie Elliot and Billy s brother, Tony Elliot were miners who went on strike and only gave Billy money for boxing lessons, they did not e xpect Billy to start dancing. As the both men were always not home, Billy had to take care of his grandmother, Billy has a responsibility to consider, Despite Georgia s interest in having to support Billy for the ballet school. At that period of time, people did not support the arts but as time passes and things change, arts developed and now, more people even come governments supported the arts industry. It became easier for anyone to join the arts with a passion and interest of their own and not according to what makes their families happy. In the beginning of the show, Jamie Elliot was quite puzzled as to why Billy liked to dance where the dance classes only had girls and that the other boys were happy going for boxing classes. As men started the history of dancing, yet at this period of time, men dancing became an issue and a problem. As dance hit the romantic era, ladies dominated the stage and men were just like status on stage as their only purpose was to lift the ladies in p artner work. As time slowly passes and men were rarely seen on stage, people tend to forget the past and believe to what was seen right then and now. The image of men being a dancer on stage was a joke at that period of time when Billy wanted to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Monetary Policy in Kuwait Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Monetary Policy in Kuwait - Essay Example The instruments include means that are available to monetary authorities and that are used to achieve the ultimate aims. Central banks generally use a number of key instruments such as changes in the ratio of legal reserves, the discount rate or the central bank rate, and open market operations. Very often, these instruments are enhanced by using other supplementary instruments, known as direct instruments, generally in the form of instructions issued by the central bank. Direct instruments are much used by developing countries because the nature of the economic problems of these countries and their economic conditions do not allow their monetary authorities to be quite free in applying traditional instruments of monetary policy. It relates to existing legal and institutional procedures, particularly as the interest rate on the Kuwaiti dinar is governed by legal limits, in addition to issues related to the degree of competition inside the banking system. It also relates to the basic features of the Kuwaiti economy, not only as an economy based on the philosophy of free markets and free capital movement, but also as an oil economy of high exposure, depending on imports to meet a major portion of consumption and investment demand. Talking about the monetary policy goals as shown above should not m... Talking about the monetary policy goals as shown above should not mitigate the important role central banks may play in other economic areas, especially in the area of developing money and capital markets in countries where these markets are lacking. The development of such markets will enable central banks to use one of the important instruments of monetary policy, i.e. open market operations. The Central Bank of Kuwait and the organization of banking business specified the goals of the Central Bank of Kuwait, similar to those of central banks in general. The goals related to the function of the monetary policy of the Central Bank of Kuwait can be stated as follows: To endeavour to secure the stability of the Kuwaiti currency and its free convertibility into foreign currencies. To endeavour to direct credit policy in such a manner as to assist economic progress and the growth of the national in-come. To supervise the banking system in the State of Kuwait. Since the mid-eighties the Central Bank of Kuwait has been on a course dictated by the nature of new developments witnessed by the Kuwaiti economy as a result of a number of internal and external effects of the securities market crisis on the whole economic condition, including the emergence of the difficult debt problem as a key issue threatening the financial system in the country. The Central Bank of Kuwait had no alternative but to make the protection of the banking and financial system its top priority and to take necessary measures to identify repercussions of the securities market crisis and prevent the accumulation of its negative effects on both the Kuwait economy and community. Based on the priority of this commitment, the Central Bank adopted a number of measures,

Land Rover Sustainability Accounting and Accountability Analysis Essay

Land Rover Sustainability Accounting and Accountability Analysis - Essay Example Sustainable development aims to fulfill the present needs without harming the possibility of not fulfilling the future ones. In today’s era, where companies give sole importance to economic growth the concept of sustainable growth becomes all the more important. As globalization continues to spread there is a steep rise in the ways through which companies and individuals can increase their profits. But the newly created opportunities are not evenly spread over the social strata. So there is always a dynamic instability which is making the environment volatile to some extent. Increase in technical knowledge has attributed to financial development, but it also has the ability to reduce the risks which threatens to harm the social and environmental sustainability .So sustainable development’s key feature encapsulates its promotion of out of the box thinking and selection of innovative choices. There is a need for transparency regarding a company’s economic, social a nd environmental impact and gradually this aspect has become an integral part of its relations with its stakeholders. Stakeholders expect a company to communicate to them the true picture of the company’s sustainability. This naturally led to the requirement of a globally recognized framework of rules, concepts and regulations. As a result the Global Reporting Initiative created the Guidelines for Sustainability Reporting. With the formation of the guidelines a transparency was achieved in the reports involving the sustainability of the company. These reports generated a lot of interest amongst the motley crew of stakeholders (Global Reporting, 2011). Sustainability reports disclose results that have happened in the reporting period. These reports are mainly used for: 1. Assessment of the sustainability performance of the company in accordance with the laws, performance standards and norms. 2. The extent to which the company influences and gets influenced by its surroundings. 3. To perform an intra and intercompany comparison over a period. Guidelines for Sustainability Reporting The reporting framework developed by GRI can be used by any company irrespective of its location, sector and size. The reporting guidelines ensure that the reports produced by the companies are up to the mark. These guidelines include: 1. Reporting Principles 2. Guidance 3. Standard disclosures. All the three elements are given equal weight age and importance. Reporting principles explain the results a report should able to convey, the selection and methods of reporting, along with the indicators and topics which will be included in the report. Each principle consists of definitions and a number of tests which help the company to decide the principles which it intends to use. The reporting guidance explains the actions that a company can take during the decision making process, and also helps in selecting the topics that will be included

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Literary Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Literary Analysis - Essay Example The fact that everything is red is something Carson brings and uses. Everything about Geryon is red, as well as everything in Autobiography of Red. What does red mean? Is the book a personal history of the color red as composed by Anne Carson? Not likely. Red is a striking color, more striking than dark, or chestnut, or blue. Red is striking and peculiar and, accordingly, red is the ideal illustration for difference, which Carson uses throughout Autobiography of Red to convey Geryons part as an outsider, a test to the hetero-narrative. Geryon had, what most would say, a bad youth and, likely, a different one from his peers. His mother was well intentioned, however pointless, while his father was mostly absent. Geryons older sibling sexually abused him. Geryon was red even in his adolescence, as was every little thing about him, from the "red silk chalk" utilized by his instructors to the "dull pink air" that encompassed his home (Carson 26, 36). In Geryons personal history, he set down the facts believed about himself, above all else of which is that "Geryon was a monster whose every little thing about him was red" (Carson 37). Geryon was such a different individual, to the point that he would not take the conventional route to his classroom at school. He would stroll to the most distant end of the building and "stand still until somebody inside noticed and turned out to show him the way. He didnt move neither did he knock on the glass but little, red, and upright he held up† (Carson 25). When he was far fro m his peers, he stood and waited to be included in their games or activities. He was commonly known as the different one, the other. Having a contemporary hero who is actually red is, to a degree, a different thing from what people are used to. Yet, what difference is using red, as an analogy, if yellow or orange would work and are additionally striking shades? Geryon must be red or the analogy, primarily,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Questions and Answers Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questions and Answers - Case Study Example The leaders were Jeffrey Skilling, former Enron President and CEO, Kenneth Lay, CEO and Andrew Fastow, Ex-Chief Financial Officer. 2. How did leadership influence the organizational culture at Enron? Jeffrey Skilling and Andrew Fastow were instrumental in changing the organizational culture of Enron. They gave the perception that Enron was very innovative and very profitable. Enron has a dysfunctional corporate culture which was obsessed with short-term earnings so that the bonuses will be maximized. The employees began looking at high volume deals even if it meant disregarding the quality of the cash flows and profits. The employees’ actions were reflective of their leaders’ values and beliefs. Extravagant spending was common among its executives. The excessive stock options and corporate compensation gave Enron’s executives too many incentives to manipulate the financial accounts and the stock price of the company. Corporate values and principles seemed to disa ppear at Enron at the time of their leadership. 3. Did the performance evaluation system at Enron support or undermine the company’s business goals and leadership beliefs? Yes, the performance evaluation system at the time of Skilling supported the company’s business goals and leadership beliefs.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Introduction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 14

Introduction - Essay Example To expound on our philosophical beliefs, the common philosophical elements will have to be incorporated into the paper. Subsequently, a brief definition of the elements will be given followed by an in-depth analysis. Therefore, the paper will focus on the following common philosophical elements: compassion/empathy, benefence, education/integrity, group vs. individual, person, health, nursing, and the environment. Being kind to one another, and walking in someone else shoes can show a great strength like empathy. We, as a group, became nurses felt sorry and sympathetic towards those who are suffering, and are less fortunate than us. Even when we had difficult times in our lives or saw patients having difficult times, we developed a sense of compassion which is a great value to have. It means doing good or doing no harm. This concept was told to us in prerequisite classes that every nurse should do no harm and do good to our patients. Beneficence is something taught to us as a child. It is a strict moral or value that parents teach their children all the time, which differentiates one from knowing right from wrong. These concepts have similarities; they both build character. Education can be used to teach others or to teach one’s self. One learns what individual integrity is by getting the education that is provided to him or her from school, family, or community. Many people do not prefer group work, but use it every day. As nurses we work in a stressful environment of constant change. We work well with change based on a team effort or team approach. The team and the group are one and the same. For example, in a hospital setting a team may consist of doctors, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, or nutritionists. Whereas outside a hospital it may be one’s community, church, friends, or classmates that are all a part of a team or group. A person is a human being who is inimitable; enriched with personal

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Emergent Threat of Bio-Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Emergent Threat of Bio-Terrorism - Essay Example This paper weighs the pros and cons on whether al Qaeda or any other international terrorist group indeed has the motivation and capability to develop and use bio-weapons to carry out their missions of terror against the civilized world. If biological weapons represent the new threat to world peace and security that it is feared to be, we need to examine the desire and capability of authorities to deal with this yet to be experienced challenge to existing health and defense systems. Together with chemical and nuclear weapons, modern biological weapons are commonly classified as weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and have been used as such on many occasions in the past. Biochemical weapons may appeal to terrorists for three major reasons: 1) they are easier and cheaper to acquire than nuclear devices and cause more casualties; 2) their effects on target population are hard to detect and counter; and 3) the threat of their use causes fear, which element the terrorists love most (Danitz, 1998, p. 3). The use of bio-weapons actually goes back to the siege warfare in Medieval Ages, among which was the recorded attempt to spread disease through dead horses at northern France in 1340. In 1346, cadavers of plague victims were dumped on the defenders at Caffa in Crimea, while human and animal manure was used at Karlstein in Bohemia in 1422. The most successful was said to be the bio-attack at Caffa, where a large number of the defenders came down with the Bubonic plague (Wheelis, 2002, p. 12). On the American frontier, some of the disease outbreaks between the 18th and early 20th centuries might have been deliberately instigated (Fenn, 2000). The best documented of those early bio-attacks took place at Fort Pitt in Pennsylvania at the height of the Pontiac rebellion in 1763, when British troops gifted the Fort Pitt defenders with blankets and handkerchiefs from smallpox patients. The latter-day known incident of that nature happened between 1957 and 1965 when land speculators and corrupt agents of the Brazilian Indian Protective Service introduced smallpox, measles, flu and tuberculosis into the American Indians on the Amazonian basin. For smallpox, fomites were used and for the other diseases the culprits had the sick whites mixed with tribe members (Wheelis, 2002, p. 13). War records starting from the American Revolutionary War to the Cold War era also reveal the extensive use of bio-weapons. There was the story of how British troops attacked the Continental Army in Boston and Quebec on several occasions with smallpox by driving infected civilians into the enemy fold. In World War I, the Germans waged a covert bio-attack by having secret agents inject anthrax and glanders cultures into farm animals penned for shipment to Allied countries. Japan resorted to the same tactic during World War II mostly against the Chinese. In the 1942 Chekiang campaign, for example, retreating Japanese agents poisoned wells, sprayed the ground behind them with microbial cultures and left infected foodstuff for the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Technology and Its Role in Creating a Corporate Culture Essay

Technology and Its Role in Creating a Corporate Culture - Essay Example The organization was developed based on the technology of 21st century in order to bring innovative changes in telecommunication industry. In present scenario, the organization is not confined to a single area rather it has approached forward to make its global presence so as to spread the name. The vertical integration strategy of Verizon Communications has performed a great role by making supply as well as saving the time and capital (Verizon, â€Å"Profile†). The organization is a service provider which encompasses of four working divisions such as ‘Domestic Telecom’, ‘Domestic Wireless’, ‘Information Services’, and ‘International’. The services of ‘Domestic Telecom’ include telephone operations and products. Services of ‘domestic wireless’ includes ‘wireless voice’ along with ‘data services’ as well as selling of equipments. ‘Information services’ includes d omestic as well as global publishing businesses that comprise of print ‘SuperPages, Electronic directories’ along with website creation and services of electronic commerce. The International division has wireline along with wireless communications function as well as investments in America and Europe (Verizon, â€Å"Mission Statement†). The organization has faced various hardships during the initial days. However, after the incorporation of high technology and good leadership activities the company has gained huge success in its business path. The leadership aspect was considered as the exclusive part of the company as this quality has guided the company to be in the better path. The leadership quality developed mission statement of the company that would not just direct but also assist the company to generate â€Å"Business Code of Conduct†. The code symbolizes broader concept because it is related to the achievement of the company and also facilitates to make clear issues regarding the existence of the Verizon Wireless along with its goals and objectives. The organization focused on four values such as ‘Integrity’, ‘Respect’, and ‘Performance Excellence’ along with ‘Accountability’ for achieving its goal. The organization is focused towards creation of wireless technology as well as telecommunication. The organization was previously named as Bell Atlantic and that time it had a separate mission. The corporate environment as well as culture was completely different from its present scenario. Bell Atlantic had diverse corporate policy and had no code of conduct. With change in technology within the organization there was transformation in among the employees with due course of time. Bell Atlantic was started in the year 1983 and the company was highly successful due to its specific performance appraisal. The main aim of the organization was to show a pattern of shift from Bell Atlantic to Verizon Wireless. I have been working in Verizon Wireless since its commencement of operations. I have worked in several departments of the organization such as transportation logistics and inventory control along with auditing and compliance. 2.0 Problem Statement The purpose of the study is to explain ‘how does leadership skill helps in managing change in organizational culture in terms of technology’. There is a great role of leadership activities in Verizon Wireless. The leadership role facilitated the company to build technological

Critique of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Essay Example for Free

Critique of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Essay The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, came as a reaction to the dreadful damages of the Second World War. This declaration was built according to the fundamentals of equality. It lists us all of our rights, all of our freedoms and how we can express them freely. It was constructed on the basic fact of it being just, equal to all, and right. However, are all articles applicable on all of mankind? Or can some of these be questioned? Generally, all of these articles should be applicable for the majority of humans, but not all of them. There is always an exception to the rule. There is always an outlier that doesn’t follow the rules. Many countries have rejected or not signed this declaration, therefore this declaration isn’t pertinent everywhere. One can find a lot of exceptions for many articles. Article 1 states that all human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights, that they are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Nonetheless, not all human beings are reasonable and conscious of everything they do. Take serial killers for example. Their acts prove of inhumanity. A man with reason and/or conscience would never do such a thing. Also, should we give unreasonable people the same rights as the ones reasonable people have? Should they have the same privilege as others even if they have no sense of reason or conscience? The United Nations General Assembly also mentioned the fact that people should act in a spirit of brotherhood. Look around you, what brotherhood? Is killing each other brotherhood? Is fighting and starting wars brotherhood? Is forgetting every moral and correct way of acting just to get to power brotherhood? A definite no is the correct answer to these questions. There are no signs of brotherhood around us. On the contrary, if one takes a close look to our surroundings and everything around us, humans, one will only notice nothing but signs of rivalry and opposition. Article 2 raises the issue of the fact that we’re all equal in terms of rights and freedoms without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Despite that, distinctions according to race, color, sex, religion, etc still exist in our modern society. Movements of racism, sexism, and religions distinctions still exist, but of course, lesser than before. People are still fighting and battling to erase these distinctions completely. This is a process every person looking for an equal and just world should follow. Article 5 states that no one shall be subjected to torture or to be cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment. What about those who commit inhuman acts, those who torture other humans for the fun of it, don’t they deserve to have a taste of their own medicine? One should be treated the way one treats others. So if one tortures one another, that one shall be tortured or punished. Part 2 of article 15 articulates the fact that no one shall be deprived of his nationality. Well, what if that individual was involved in acts of high treason? What if that person turned his back on his country and denied his own nationality. That person definitely does not deserve to hold his nationality and shall be deprived from it immediately. Articles 18 and 19 talk about the fact that everyone is free to express their thoughts, opinions, religions. Some thoughts and opinions might actually harm others. Physically or mentally. In that way, it will refrain article 1. An example of such opinions/thoughts/religion would be Satanism and the Ku Klux Klan. These associations actions can damage others and hurt them. Therefore, these associations do not have the right to fully express themselves, but partially. They can only express the opinions/thoughts that do no harm to others. To sum things up, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is inconsistent; its articles are not always suitable. This declaration is not functional in all countries as some countries did not sign it. This declaration fails in its goal of it being universal; Exceptions can be found to some articles. Pieces of this declaration can be questioned for some precise individuals. It is not always applicable and it is not always a reliable document.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Philosophy Statement on Adult Education Essay Example for Free

Philosophy Statement on Adult Education Essay For human beings, learning appears to be unstoppable and insatiable. People are always craving, curious and willing to learn new things every time. New information or methodology never fails to excite the curiosity and interest of the people thus inspiring learning attitude and enthusiasm. Even though at adult age or middle age, the rate of learning enthusiasm of the people never declines and sometimes it even increases with every year that passed on someone’ life. This idea is attributed to many factors that includes the psychological and emotional maturity of the person’s perspective towards learning and education, which is characterized by an upsurge in the degree of seriousness and willingness. Some cases are attributed to factors such as financial capabilities or time availability but most of the cases are because of the personal reason within the individual. Thus, adult education is a conventional and constructive approach to the learning process because it based on the humanistic and progressive philosophies of the human being. Adult Education The Corley and Stedman define adult education as â€Å"all forms of schooling and learning programs in which adults participate. Unlike other types of education, adult education is defined by the student population rather than by the content or complexity of a learning program (2005). † Accordingly, it is the learning process and enthusiastic approach of adults to the world of knowledge and information through the use of the schooling methodologies whether formal or informal. There are actually many reasons why an adult wants to participate in the education process. Some adults reasoned out that they want to learn new things and information which are not yet available during their schooling periods thus they want to be updated. Others want to develop or enhance their skills by taking either a masteral or a doctorate degree on their field of career or acquire skills on a new career they wish to embrace. While other, commonly the people who have not yet experienced schooling process or became literate, wants to learn the basic skills which they have not yet learned. Because of different reasons, the adult education programs offered at the present caters to different motives or needs. These programs ranged from categories such as literacy training, community development, university credit programs, on-the-job training and continuing professional education (Corley Stedman, 2005). In addition, due to the surging demand and popularity of the idea of adult education many institutions have already established facilities and programs to accommodate the interested students. Programs vary in organization from casual, incidental learning to formal college credit courses. Institutions offering education to adults include colleges, libraries, museums, social service and government agencies, businesses, and churches (Corley Stedman, 2005). Conclusion Adult education is normal process and something that should not be subjected to discrimination and subjection because learning is a human impulse or need that can be satisfied or fulfilled regardless of age and social status. Age and time should not be a hindrance to the acquisition of skills, information and literacy. Humans regardless of age always have humanistic and progressive philosophical aspects that continuously crave for enhance and learning to aid the development of a person in all aspects. Education whether in form of literacy, practical knowledge or scientific information will help the person realized and fully understand himself or herself and his or her environment thus continuous attainment of knowledge is important and adult education is one means of attaining it.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Vegetarian vs Meat Eater Comparison Contract

Vegetarian vs Meat Eater Comparison Contract Diet plays an important role for our body health. Choosing the right, healthy and balance in diet is very important for everyone. One way to stay healthy is by adopting a vegetarian diet. A vegan diet is a plant-based diet that includes only natural foods and does not include meat at all. It can also be considered as a cruelty-free act to the nature because by switching and adopting a vegetarian diet, human societies will be able to alleviate the needless suffering and deaths of countless animals. The average American meat-eater is responsible for the abuse and death of about 90 animals per year. Human beings do not need to eat meat in order to maintain a good health. This is because they can also get all the nutrition and their food needs from meatless product. Vegetarian diet is currently increasing in popularity and the number of vegetarian is rising so quickly because they have seen many significant effects that contribute to a better health. According to a 2006 Mintel survey, 6% of the population, which is about 3.6 million people, is vegetarians, and 10% eat no red meat which somehow showed that UK has the largest proportion of vegetarian in its population among the European country. (The Number of Vegetarian, n.d.) As whole, over half of the world population is vegetarian. They start to care about animals and stand up for the animals right. In fact, a vegetarian diet offers many benefits to human beings that are guards against disease, physical benefits, conserve natural resources, nutritional benefits, and improve the environment. A vegetarian diet is considered as healthy as it has shown to guards against diseases. According to new medical research, a person who adopts plant-based diet is one third less likely to suffer from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases such as heart diseases and stroke. People tend to stand a better chance of not developing the high blood pressure and bad cholesterol that might affect their health problem. According to a study from German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, vegetarians have more effective and strong immune systems to kill tumor cells in the body compared to meat eaters. (Dworkin 1999). There are several risk factors of metabolic syndrome, which are high blood pressure, high glucose levels, high triglycerides which are fat levels in the body, and having a big waistband. Dr Rebecca Reynolds, a reader in endocrinology and diabetes at University of Edinburgh Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences, said: Metabolic syndrome is very prevalent in Scotland because it linked in with obesity and Scotland has some of the highest obesity rates in Europe. Studies have shown that Mediterranean style diet is also beneficial to our body health because people who are vegetarian consume more fruit, vegetables and olive oil. (Newbury 2011). Improvement of cardiovascular health can be done by the consumption of nuts and wholegrain, at the same time; it can also eliminate the consumption of meat and dairy products. A British study indicates that a vegan diet reduces the risk for the biggest killer heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, according to the American Dietetic Association, vegetarians tend to have a lower risk of getting obesity, breast cancer, and prostate cancer other than cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Obesity is very common especially in America. According to former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, 70% of all Americans are dying from different types of diseases which directly tied to their eating habits. (Dworkin 1999). This is beca use in the American diet, there are too much of carbohydrates, proteins, oils, fats, and sugar. A very clear and obvious example is their morning breakfast that includes of sausages, chicken ham, french fries, fried eggs, and accompanied by milk or orange juice. Sausages and chicken ham are processed food which made from animal meat. As we know, processed foods are extremely bad for our health because it contains of preservatives, toxins, and unnatural fillers that will cause kidney failures if we over consume it. Studies have shown that a diet high in animal products and dairy products which contain huge amount of hormones and saturated fat can cause breast cancer. However, theres a huge connection and relationship between vegetarian diet and breast cancer. A vegetarian diet can help prevent and even reverse it, which is taking a diet low in sugar, dairy products, and meat but high in leafy greens, fruits and vitamin D. Vitamin D is an immune system booster that has the special abi lity to attack breast cancer cells by preventing the cancer cells from multiplying to more and more cancer cells in the body. Vitamin D is a key component in helping the body responds to many different kinds of assaults and stimuli, says Robert Heaney, Ph.D., professor of medicine at Creighton University. (Biggar 2009). Vitamin D can be obtained from natural foods such as mushrooms, soy milk, and dark leafy green vegetables. Research found that consumption of isoflavone containing soy products such as tofu during childhood and adolescence protects women against the risk of breast cancer later in life. (Am Clin 2009). Vegetables and fruits also contain phytochemicals that help destroy tumour in the body. (Biggar 2009). A Harvard Medical School study of more than 90,000 women revealed that the women who often consume meat everyday are twice as likely to develop breast cancer as those who did not often consume meat. (Sloan 2008). Too much of meat consumption will also lead to certain degenerative diseases such as Parkinsons, Huntingtons, and Alzheimers disease when human being start to get older. As the famous saying goes like this, you are what you eat. Subsequently, vegetarian diets can reduce the risk of getting diseases that can affect body health and cause death. Vegetarian diet is much better than diet that contains meat because of physical benefits. Several population studies showed that people who adopt a vegetarian diet tend to have lower body mass index (BMI), which is the indicator of weight and fat of the body. This is normally associated with high intake of fibre and low intake of animal fat. Vegetarians may also have a higher metabolic rate compared to meat eaters. In a study of lacto-ovo vegetarians, one of the types of diet, resting metabolic rate (RMR) was 11% higher in vegetarian compared to meat eaters. This was partly due to a higher level of plasma norepinephrine which results from higher intake of carbohydrate and lower fat intake of vegetarians. (Mangels, Messina Messina 2004). Vegetarians will usually have better and good-looking skin textures. For instance, nuts such as almond, pumpkin seed, sesame seed, sunflower seed, vegetables that contain vitamin A and E play a big role for this part. A remarkable reduction in blemis hes and improvement in the skin texture can be seen once a meat eater changes to a vegetarian diet. Vitamin A and E are actually effective and strong antioxidants that can help neutralize free radicals in our body. A vegetarian diet is especially beneficial to female or woman who wants to look younger and live a healthier lifestyle because it prevents the aging and damage of the skin. Fruits that could improve the skin condition are tomatoes, watermelon, cucumber, apples, and papaya. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A and contain iron. It is a strong antioxidant that helps fight cancer as well. Cucumber is a natural cooling and brightening agent of the skin. You can simply consume it or slice it into pieces and put it on to the face. Apples and papaya contains vitamins and high in fibers. These fruits are very useful for people who have constipation problem and high cholesterol. In addition, several studies indicate that people who adopt vegetarian lifestyle live an average of 3 to 6 y ears longer than those who do not. According to a study from Loma Linda University, vegetarians live about 7 to 15 years longer than people who are not vegetarian. (Dworkin 1999). This can be proven with the example of monk. Buddhist monks are vegetarian and they do not consume meat at all. This is because in their belief and religion, killing and eating the animal is a sin and its cruel. It will also go against their beliefs and religion. Therefore, there is no doubt that monk who adopts vegetarian diet for the rest of their life would normally live longer than normal people. Some monks are even as old as 100 years above. Besides, nail health is considered as an indicator of a persons body health. You can see the persons health by looking at their fingernails. People who are vegetarian tend to have a healthier and longer nails, which indicates that they are healthy. People who normally consume meat and have lesser intake of vegetables tend to have a shorter and yellowish nails. Thi s indicates that their health is at risk. Research showed that vegan diet helps reduce the suffering from Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) for female. The diet includes reduction of meat consumption but increase in consumption of complex carbohydrates, leafy green vegetables, fruit, cereals and whole grains. (Cornforth 2009). A vegetarian diet also helps to stop allergies for a certain people. Researchers found that people report lesser personal problems such as runny nose and asthma when they switched to a vegetarian diet. This is basically due to the reduction of common food trigger that contains hormones and toxins such as meat, dairy and eggs. As a matter of fact, a vegetarian tend to be thinner than meat eater. Harvards long-term Nurses Health found that thin people have only one-third the risk of getting asthma compared to meat eaters. (Barnard, n.d.) For instance, if overweight people adopt a vegetarian diet, they are more likely to lose their weight and alleviate asthma because p eople who are thin normally do not have asthma problem. All of these are the results and physical benefits that can be gained from a vegetarian diet. Furthermore, a vegetarian diet does not only beneficial to human beings in terms of health; it also contributes to conserve natural resources. The meat industry is very wasteful of natural resources. Approximately 10 pounds of plants are needed to be fed to the animals in order to produce one pound of meat, which is also one of the inherent problem of eating meat. (Bronk Su 2006). Thus, 70% of grain grown is almost used to feed the animals in America, which means much more food is being consumed to support the animals than would be needed if more people were vegetarians. (Bronk Su 2006). Due to the extreme and increasing growth of animals feed, the meat industry require a huge amount of water in order to grow the grain and feed the animals. Vegetarian author John Robbins calculates that it takes 168, and 229 pounds of water to produce one pound of maize and rice respectively. (Vidal 2010). On the other hand, a pound of beef requires approximately 8000-9,000 litres of water. Pigs ar e one of the thirstiest animals in the world. An average-sized of pig farm in North America with about 80,000 pigs requires nearly 75 million gallons of fresh water to feed the pig in a year. (Vidal 2010). In contrast, a large sized of pig farm with more than millions of pigs may requires the water as much as a city. When the demand for meat increases, the uses of water in the meat industry and farming land will rise as well. Consequently, there will be lesser source of water available for the crops and also drinking for human beings. (Bronk Su 2006) say that almost half of the water that is consumed in the America is mostly being used by the meat industry and the groundwater is being withdrawn 25% faster than it is being replenished. In order to conserve energy in terms of water resources, the best choice and option is to adopt a vegetarian diet. This is because when people start by vegetarian diets, they will consume lesser meat in their daily diets. As a result, lesser amount of water will be used to grow the grains and the number of animals to be fed by the meat industry will greatly be reduced. This can also be said to conserve water resources because there will be a sufficient amount of water to provide to both human beings and animals in the world. Other than that, vegetarian can also conserve energy in terms of oil. Oil crisis is one of the major problems faced by human beings in the world currently. (Bronk Su 2006) also say that 8 times as much fossil fuel energy is being used in the production of animal protein as is used in the plant protein production. There are actually some reasons for this. In fact, fuel is needed for manufacturing pesticides and fertilizers to grow grains and crops for animal feed. Besides, fuel is needed for transportation in the meat industry and also the operation of machinery in the farming industries. In this case, it is said that about 400 gallons of fossil fuels are being used in order to produce foods for the average meat-eating for the American each year. (Bronk Su 2006). Therefore, it is the truth that vegetarian diet can actually help to conserve natural resources in terms of water and fuel. Critics of vegetarianism claim that being a vegetarian is not good for our body because a vegetarian diet is lack of animal fat, protein, each of the 9 amino acids, iron and calcium, which scientific evidence showed that human need these nutrients for an optimum health. It is true that vegetarian diet could not afford to provide animal fats and other essential nutrients that our body somehow needs it. Yet, a vegetarian diet offers much more other extra nutritional benefits to our body compared to a diet containing meat. It does not mean that you need to consume meat in order to achieve an optimum health level. A carefully planned vegetarian diet can still provide an optimal health for everyone. There is always another alternative ways to get it. For example, vegetarian foods such as nuts, seeds, and dark leafy greens provide magnesium that aids the absorption of calcium. Nuts such as almonds are a great source of protein for vegetarian other than providing vitamin E, calcium, magnesi um and zinc. In addition, almond can helps lower the cholesterol level especially for the elders. According to a study from Health Research and Studies Centre, they found out that almonds are even better than olive oil in lowering LDL cholesterol. (Top ten vegan super foods 2009). Other than that, seeds such as pumpkin seeds contains high amount of amino acids, calcium, potassium, magnesium and tryptophan. Tryptophan is one of the essential amino acids that aids in the production of serotonin in our body. Serotonin is actually one kind of hormone that can make us feel happier and lively. It is considered as happiness hormone despite it is not really a hormone. This is because it sort of activates our brains and able to makes us to be more lively and energetic than normal. Several studies has shown that pumpkin seeds contain one kind of special compound called phytosterol that helps enhance and improve the bodys immune system. (Top ten vegan super foods 2009). By adding pumpkin seeds into our daily diets, it can also help to reduce the inflammation on our body. We can also get the source of protein from several vegetarian foods such as beans, tofu and other soy products. In order to gain a classic combination that provides complete protein, a vegetarian is advised to eat beans and grains together to get the optimum result. This is because beans actually do not contain the complete amount of protein in it. Certain brand of tofu or soy milk is fortified with extra beneficial nutrients such as calcium and potassium for the need of a vegetarian. Soy protein has been shown to have as much proteins as in meat. (American Heart Association, n.d.). Food type Total Kcal/100g* Protein (g)* Kcal from protein Beef 310 22.5 90 (29% from protein) Wheat(flour wholemeal) 310 12.7 51 (16% from protein) Source: Collins Gems Calorie Counter (averaged for raw meat) (Patel, n.d.) showed the amount of daily requirement for energy in terms of calories and protein based on the table as shown above. An assumption of calorie requirement for normal active lifestyle is made, which is 2400 Kcal every day. Experts say that 10% of calorie should come from the source of protein. As 1g of protein generates 4 Kcal, it is said that human being requires 60g of protein every day. (Patel, n.d.) Based on the table above, wheat provides 51 Kcal of calorie from protein which somehow reached the amount of daily requirement for energy. In contrast, the calorie in beef is much higher than that, which is 90 Kcal. This is considered as too much of calorie for a normal healthy diet. Moreover, a vegetarian have a higher risk of having iron deficiency compared to a meat eater. For meat eaters, iron can be found in meat products such as red meat, liver and egg yolk. However, we can also get it from the plant sources such as dried beans and spinach. Hence, it is not necessar y to consume meat in order to get iron. Plant-based diet alone can already provide as much nutrient as what meat can provide to us. It is also not a healthy way to get protein just by eating meat alone. You will get surprise when you get older because all those symptoms of diseases would appear due to a long-term of meat consumption. One of the arguments put forward to support the view that vegetarian diet could not contribute much towards saving the environment. Although this statement may be true, but there is no doubt that a vegetarian diet can actually save the environment and make the world a better place to live in. A vegetarian helps to reduce the destruction of rainforest and save the wildlife habitat. Malaysia is a clear example of country that has rainforest. Rainforest is very important in the world. This is due to several reasons such as regulating the global climates; regulate the cycle of water, and the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The environmental community has recognizes global warming as one of the gravest threats to the planet. (Mohr, n.d.). Unfortunately, mankind in this century have become more and more obsessed with the earning of maximum profits. People only think of earning as much as they could. As a result, rainforest is being cut down and enormous of fires are used to burn down these forests in order to have more space to raise the cattle before the meats, typically found in hamburgers and processed meat, are being sold out in the market. Approximately a football field of rainforest is being destroyed in order to produce 257 hamburgers for the population every second! (Animal rights and Vegetarianism, n.d.). By switching to a vegetarian diet, we can actually save a lot of animals and also their habitat. Hundreds of thousands of animals are innocently being killed by human every year. Some corporations even inject certain chemicals, hormones, or veterinary drugs into the body of the animals so that they could grow faster and reproduce more. This is to enhance their production and gain more profits. For examples, chicken and beef cattle are injected with growing hormones. What goes beyond the doors of the corporations and industries are extremely terrible and insane. Animals are regularly being butchered alive on speeded-up conveyor lines. These innocent living things are forced to be killed for human use and purposes, where in fact human have no right to do that at all. If people still continue to kill huge number of animals just to feed the human beings, one day, these animals will extinct forever and our next generation will have to pay the price for what human being are doing right now. Like the quote that says, When the buying stops, the killing stops. A vegetarian diet also reduces water pollution and land pollution. In the modern and high technology society, a large amount of grains are sprayed with different types of fertilisers such as herbicides and pesticides by factories in order to feed the cattle. These two chemicals are very harmful and acidic. Extreme amount of acidic chemical will destroy the top soil and leak into rivers and grounds. Over 4 million acres of cropland are lost to erosion in the US every year due to plundering farmlands to fatten animals. (Animal rights and Vegetarianism, n.d.) When these ch emicals flow into the oceans and seas through the river, this causes the deaths of millions of fishes. Other than that, meat industry contributes significantly to global warming as well. For example, methane that is released by bacteria in the rumens of cattle worsens global warming. This is because methane is a relatively potent greenhouse gas that will raises global temperature. Burning down of forest will also release carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere. As a result, this would cause the temperature to rise and global warming worsens from day to day. Thus, a vegetarian diet can reduces the production of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The damage to the environment does not stop at cattle or chicken, the fishing industry also somehow contributes to the degradation of environment. What does this means? It actually means that many different species of fishes are being caught away by fisherman faster than they can reproduce. (Bronk Su 2006). This damaged the ecosystem of the oceans and sea, which in turn, affect the whole environment and worsen global warming. Approximately 300,000 different types of sea animals such as whales, dolphins and porpoises are being killed every year before their meats are being sold in the supermarket. (Bronk Su 2006). Thus, by switching to a simple and easy vegetarian diet, we can actually conserve the environment and preserve the natures biodiversity without spending too much money or figure out the other alternative ways. All in all, a vegetarian diet contributes a lot to humans lifestyle, eating habits and the environment and there are numerous of benefits of it. Basically, animals and human can actually get the nutrients required for the body from plants, and not by animals itself. Human are actually getting the nutrients from second-hand sources if they eat meat. If they eat the animals, all the toxins, hormones and chemical will automatically go into the stomach which is hard to be expelled and removed from the body. The truth is that a vegetarian diet even contains sufficient beneficial nutrients for the body which they have been mistakenly claimed to be lacking in, especially protein. (Health Benefits, n.d). As a matter of fact, the anatomies of herbivores, carnivores and human are compared which shows that man is actually vegetarian by nature. (Doshi, n.d.). The comparison can be shown in the table below. Carnivores (meat-eating) Have claws for killing Sharp front teeth for tearing meat Stomach acid is twenty times strong Perspire through tongue Herbivores (plant-eating) Have no claws No sharp front teeth Weak acid in stomach Perspire through skin Humans Have no claws No sharp teeth Weak acid in stomach Perspire through skin The above table has clearly shown that human beings are naturally a vegetarian and should not be a meat eater. This has strongly support the fact that vegetarian diets is much better and healthier than a diet that contains meat. In order to produce meat for meat eaters, human need to kill billions of animals to fulfil the need of population in the world. However, human do not need to kill a plant to obtain vegetarian food. This is not only an act of kindness to the animal, which is a living like human being; it also shows the appreciation to the nature and conserves the environment.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Innumerable Meanings of Moby Dick Essay -- Moby Dick Essays

The Innumerable Meanings of Moby Dick Call me Ishmael. The first line of this story begins with an assertion of self-identity. Before the second page is reached, it becomes quite clear to me that within this assertion of self-identity lay an enticing universality. Ishmael represents every man somehow and no man entirely. He is an individual in his own right, while personifying a basic human desire for something more, something extraordinary. As his name implies, "he is an outcast from a great family" (p.18). Although we all share Ishmael's yearning for adventure (however deeply hidden it may be), to throw aside our civilization (despite its discontents ) could mean societal suicide. So, we look through his eyes, we cling to his desire, we dream of his escape. This world of ours in all its absurdity is seemingly as vast as an ocean beyond its horizon. Yet with all its opportunity, with all its splendor, we somehow manage to spoil the prospects it so generously offers. We pack ourselves into overcrowded spaces; we cram our brains with bits and pieces of irrelevancy; we herd ourselves along a well-beaten path; we cloud our souls with a veil of conformity. And yet there still remains, somewhere deep inside every one of us, the desire to cast aside restraint and venture into whatever indulgence tugs at our heartstrings and innermost fantasy. For Ishmael this was the sea: "Whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses...then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can" (p. 18). For Ishmael to remain on shore would mean to "grow hazy about the eyes" and lose sight of what makes him happy, the drive that makes him human- his love of the sea. ... ...story of stories . However, its greatness does not lay in the particular formulation of particular words in particular sentences into particular paragraphs and so forth. As with any great story, Moby Dick is comprised of infinite, multifaceted, and often allusive levels of meaning. What makes a novel great is its interaction with its readers. The degree to which a story remains unguarded and flexible while simultaneously enticing and provoking its readers, is what makes it great. The meanings I find hidden within the text of Moby Dick are unlike any others. Yet, they are mine and mine alone. As in Moby Dick, the innumerable meanings that lie dormant within stories are like ungraspable phantoms. With Moby Dick representing an epitome, the beckoning ungraspable phantoms concealed in stories, are the key to their command. Works Cited: Melville, H. Moby Dick.

The Downfall of Lady Macbeth :: Free Macbeth Essays

The Downfall of Lady Macbeth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Macbeth is a play full of magic, mystery, and murder.   The variety of plots, as well as the interesting characters, force the reader to pay full attention at all times.   Unfortunately, one of these characters is a victim of her own imagination. Although Lady Macbeth adds much positive flavour to the play, her character is revealed through her aggressive attitude with her husband, her inhumane disregard for life, and her guilty conscience.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lady Macbeth is very assertive when dealing with her husband's hesitations about murdering Duncan:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "O never shall sun that morrow see!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Your face... is as a book where men   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   May read strange matters.   To beguile the time,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   But be the serpent under't."    This urging causes Macbeth to possess Å’black and deep desires', which lead him to   murder the king.   She takes it upon herself to pressure him and therefore, her bold character is revealed.   Macbeth's intentions would have been less serious if his wife was not more anxious than he was.   She, more than her husband, is to blame for the death of King Duncan, due to her relentless pursuit of power and authority.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lady Macbeth is a heartless fiend with an savage disregard for life. This is evident in the manner in which she downplays the murder of Duncan to her husband:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "A little water clears us of this deed;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   How easy is it, then!   Your constancy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hath left you unattended...   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Get on your night-gown, lest occasion call us,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And show us to be watchers.   Be not lost   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   So poorly in your thoughts."    She tries to make Macbeth believe that committing the murder was not a vicious deed and that washing their hands will wash away all the guilt.   Macbeth exclaims that "all Neptune's ocean" will not wash the blood from his hands. Lady Macbeth appears at this point to be a ruthless killer working on behalf of the prince of darkness, which solidifies her character and gives the audience new insights to her psychological state.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The audience is lead to believe that Lady Macbeth will never feel any guilt concerning the murder, but her guilty conscience is displayed near the end of the play. She begins to sleepwalk and relive the murder in her mind:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Out, damned spot! out, I say!   One; two; why, then   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Å’tis time to do't.   Hell is murky!   Fie, my lord--fie!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   a soldier, and afeard?

Friday, July 19, 2019

William Goldings Animal Farm :: William Golding Animal Farm Essays

William Golding's Animal Farm On the first page of the book there is immediately a link to the adult world and the civilization that has been adapted there. There is a reference to the "Home Counties". This shows that already, the writer is telling the reader of the links that may be made throughout the book about the adult world and its comparisons to the life in the jungle. Societies operate in many different ways and there are many factors that influence this fact. In the book Golding tries to highlight what these factors are and how they cause disruption and peace within a society. By approaching this from different angles the reader is able to get a better outline of what Golding is trying to represent and can therefore fully appreciate the wonders of his writings. One of the angles that he approaches the way societies operate from is by using the leader as an example. Throughout the duration of the book there is a feeling of complete rivalry as the two main contenders 'fight' for the right to be the leader of all other boys on the island. Jack and Ralph are constantly attempting to better one anther but in ways that only they can fulfill. In the first chapter of the book the reader sees a very democratic system employed by the boys. This is to elect a leader and therefore a fair vote is counted. Despite this being the fairest possible way of concluding a leader Jack is not at all happy with the outcome. "and the freckles on Jack's face disappeared under a blush of mortification". This shows that Jack expected to be elected as the chief of the group. As Ralph could see that that Jack was upset by the outcome of this election he immediately offered Jack the control of the choir. In foresight this could be one of the worst things that was accidentally and un-intentionally done by Ralph. This is because there is an instantaneous division of the two groups, which later on destroy all form of civilization that has been built. From this initial decision to elect Ralph as the leader there is a bitter rivalry built up between him and Jack Merridew, leader of the choir/hunters. The main reason for this is Jack's jealousy overcoming him. He does not realize that his authority in the adult world does not necessarily transfer onto the island where normal rules do not apply and it is just a matter of survival. Because of this contention between Ralph and Jack matters start to become worse and the whole fiasco spirals out of

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Existing online ordering systems

Introduction In the previous chapter, we have provided the introduction of our project. We have described the background and motivation for the project and the importance of the problem in the previous chapter. After that we have described about the aims and objectives of our proposed solution concisely. In this chapter, we expect to provide the necessary background information of our project. We are going to illustrate some other approaches to the problems that were stated in previous chapter. 2. 2 Prevailing systemsIn the modern world online food ordering system is a one of popular e-business tactics used all over the world. In those systems restaurant or cafeteria lists their products and other relevant information about the products. Buyers will browse the listed products through internet, and they order some Food , some of them has ordering facilities among those system few of them has facility to order online in other system customer have to give a phone call to order. In few s ystems customer can pay the money online but in other system customer have to pay money to erson who delivers food.Also they can browse and find any restaurant in the country as they wish and order in there. Except those facilities there is no facility to order online food with ability to book dine-in table. There is no system to get orders from customer without waiter in the restaurant. There is no tabletop and Android application for other systems. Our system support and we develop these applications for our system. EAT 24(Miami food delivery) This is the collections of restaurants all over the world. They get orders from ustomers and deliver the Food to the customer's door step.Customer can search by neighborhood; zip codes or cuisines then find a restaurant and order whatever he wants. Customer can dine in at any restaurant that he like in Miami. In the web site there are facilities to publish customer's comments, information about restaurants and their Food and delivery informa tion. The Dons' Food-Fried Pizza The Dons' Pizza offers dine-ln( indoor seating & outdoor patio), carry out ( front counter or curbside) delivery, catering. Customer has to give a call to order. There is o facility to order online.Dons' pizza has catering service for customer's events but other systems. Burger King Burger King is a global area restaurant. They give facility to order Food and deliver Food to place where customer wants. Grub Hub Customer can order Food online from a restaurant around them as they wish. Taco sell Taco Bell is also spread in world wide. Their website only gives the information about food they provide and nutrition, ingredients of the food. KFC Provide the option to rate, comment and share on social networks about your favorite locations. Existing Online Ordering Systems In the previous chapter, we have provided the introduction of our project. We have described the background and motivation for the project and the importance of the problem in the previous chapter. After that we have described about the aims and objectives of our proposed solution concisely. In this chapter, we expect to provide the necessary background information of our project. We are going to illustrate some other approaches to the problems that were stated in previous chapter. 2.2 Prevailing systemsIn the modern world online food ordering system is a one of popular e-business tactics used all over the world. In those systems restaurant or cafeteria lists their products and other relevant information about the products. Buyers will browse the listed products through internet, and they order some Food , some of them has ordering facilities among those system few of them has facility to order online in other system customer have to give a phone call to order.In few systems customer can pay the money online but in other system customer have to pay money to person who delivers food. Also they can browse and find any restaurant in the country as they wish and order in there. Except those facilities there is no facility to order online food with ability to book dine-in table. There is no system to get orders from customer without waiter in the restaurant. There is no tabletop and Android application for other systems. Our system support and we develop these applications for our system.EAT 24(Miami food delivery)This is the collections of restaurants all over the world. They get orders from customers and deliver the Food to the customer’s door step. Customer can search by neighborhood; zip codes or cuisines then find a restaurant and order whatever he wants. Customer can dine in at any restaurant that he like in Miami. In the web site there are facilities to publish customer’s comments, information about restaurants and their Food and delivery inform ation.The Dons’ Food-Fried PizzaThe Dons’ Pizza offers dine-In( indoor seating & outdoor patio), carry out ( front counter or curbside) delivery, catering. Customer has to give a call to order. There is no facility to order online. Dons’ pizza has catering service for customer’s events but other systems.Burger KingBurger King is a global area restaurant. They give facility to order Food and deliver Food to place where customer wants. Grub Hub Customer can order Food online from a restaurant around them as they wish.Taco BellTaco Bell is also spread in world wide. Their website only gives the information about food they provide and nutrition, ingredients of the food.KFCProvide the option to rate, comment and share on social networks about your favorite locations.They give facility to order Food only by calling but online.McDONALDSIn their web site they provide information about their all branches, facilities they have given(bar availability, air condition or not, Food available for vegans, home delivery availability).They do not give facility to order Food online. Some of McDonalds outlets give only home delivery facility. Customer can publish their comments, give ratings.In this chapter we discussed about full description about background information of the project and state about others’ approaches of online cafeteria system and also what are the special facility and exclusive advantages of our system.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Women’s Rights in Developing Countries

non unkn take to us is the fact that in approximately(prenominal) countries, in comparison in the midst of workforce and wo hands dummy up make its. In sexual answer take issueences for good example in earnings and occupations of Ameri under manifestation wo hands , the proportionality of fe staminate to male earnings among panoptic time workers was roughly constant from the 1950s to the primeval 1980s and the segregation of occupations by sex is substantial and has declined only reasonably across the last century (Goldin, 1994). This puzzle is notwithstanding worse in evolution countries where people suffer from app onlying poverty. assure of gender inequality and exploitation of women exist in close societies, yet well-nigh of the worst cases argon found in the create world. The murder of around quin thousand muliebrity annuall(a)y in India by dissatisfied husbands the enslavement of women work in Pakistans brick-making industry married adult female beati ngs in Zambia and the Andes and the sale of child brides ar only a few of the many a(prenominal) instances of womens subservient status in many Third World countries (Sadelksi, 1997). Countries that do non sufficiently meet its requisite sustenance gouge even make up bigger rifts in the disparity amid men and women.Studies record that in ontogeny countries, severity of inequality to health, life prediction at birth, quality of life, workload, breeding, legal in good orders, and economical mobility ar some of the atomic number 18as where men and women differ (Witwer, 1997 World Conference on Women, 1995 & Huyer, 1997 as cited in Park, n. d. ). The burden of this inequality between men and women is compounded by the failure of some develop countries to recognize womens rights. In Asia, women work more than men but they get salaried less. fifty percent (50%) of food production in Asia comes from the sector of women but they get littler recognition for that (Shah, 200 7). Faced by this issue, we can formulate that although developing countries go relatively moved from an extreme patriarchic bon ton to a more permissive structure allowing both sexes to freely exercise their rights, women maintain to be un resulting victims of difference. Indeed men and women are created uniquely, however in our auberge, the women are always taken as the low one, supporting the men.According to Platos The commonwealth (in Ebenstein & Ebenstein, 2000), in that location is no occupation interested with the management of social affairs which belongs to charwoman or to man, as such. Natural gifts are to be found here and at that place in both creatures alike and all occupation is open to both, so distant as their natures are concerned, though woman is for all purposes the weaker. But is this convention comme il faut reason to strip women of their rights and abuse them? It chequerms absurd that because women are women, they would be taken as weaker and more inferior. It is only an issue of gender. gender is a social construction that although utile has been dominated by a male bias and is particularly oppressive to women ( minutejohn, 2002). This is construction is nothing but a traitorously ideology that make us hope that we are thinking are take awayfully true, when in fact they are not. An internationalist organization that facilitates international law and security, the fall in Nations established a commission on the status of women in 1946 (Division, 2005). Since 1975 conferences befuddle been made and provided avenue for women all around the musket ball to voice out their sentiments and situations.Consequently, several declarations pass been created such as the Universal solvent of pitying Rights (Office, n. d. ) and the Convention on the expulsion of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (United Nations, 2000). But the brain still remains- are these being sight in well-nigh countries? In some places, cla ims are made that womens rights give be respected more, yet policies are sometimes not throwd enough, thus still undermining the rights of women (Shah, 2007). Looking at the issue closely, there is the undeniable truth that yes, policies are lively to protect women from abuses.But what we fail to see is that the implementation of these policies are sometimes met by resistance, nit so overmuch because the people does not like to establish relative give in their society but because the interlinking nature of culture would not substantially permit these changes to happen. Relative order because for all we know, developing countries society see themselves as ordered despite infringes on womens rights. For example, in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, early marriage of girls is common. The threat of HIV induces parents to link their daughters in the mistaken belief that this will protect them from infection (Womens Rights, n. . ). In Pakistan, honor killings directed at women ha ve been carried for even the slightest reasons (Shah, 2007). It surely is not leisurely to change tradition overnight. In many developing countries, the sad truth of act unfair treatment to women exists. In some regions they are not allowed to inherit or own property, message that a woman without a male protection has genuinely few ways to support herself or her children. Moreover, stigma and ridicule prevents women from bringing cases to courts that whitethorn rectify in honorableices (UNAIDS, UNFPA, & UNIFEM, n. d. ).Moreover, women during their lifetime meets various discrimination that include foeticide and infanticide. In many developing countries where preference for sons exists, misuse of diagnostic tools can aid in determining gender of babies. Death from pregnancy complications and childbirth has in any case been accounted highest in developing countries (Shah, 2007). These clearly show us how culture can be against the rights of women. They are denied of their right t o live even at conception when men are given more privilege. They suffer from extremityiness of medical attention when they carry children and their partners go footloose.Aside from cultural issues, some some other facets of womens rights violated include education (Jejeebhoy, 1995 Malhotra & Mather, 1997), discrimination in the workplace (Shah, 2007 Malhotra & Mather, 1997), fruitful rights (Jejeebhoy, 1995 Shah, 2007), and even how women are portrayed in the media (Shah, 2007). In almost every setting, careless(predicate) of region, culture or level of development, knowledgeable women have a greater introduce in their lives (Jejeebhoy, 1995). However in developing countries where education is beyond the reach of most women, how can we expect them to have break dance lives?According to UNICEF (2007) because women have to spent much of their time at home, they get paid less in their jobs. And even if women have the financial power, they do not needfully have power over family decisions (Malhotra & Mather, 1997). Womens rights refers to the freedoms inherently possessed by women and girls of all ages, which may be institutionalized, ignored or suppressed by law, custom and behaviour in a particular society (Hosken, 1981). These rights are meant to protect women from the oppression that they are experiencing and also provide opportunities to empower themselves.In developing countries where tradition is more popular than reason, it is not easy for women to safeguard themselves. For a society that has existed with a certain practice whether oppressive or not to women, change can only happen if the need arises. We cannot expect cultures to suddenly reorganize exactly because they appear barbaric to us. No, this will be imperialism. Taking into consideration the history of most colonized countries, the suppression of cultural practices has amaze more of a disadvantage. This is not to say that women should be left on their own and wait for society to feel the need to uplift the status of women.According to Human Rights Watch (n. d. ) arguments that sustain and excuse these adult male rights abuses those of cultural norms, appropriate rights for women, or westward imperialism barely disguise their true meaning that womens lives matter less than mens. Cultural relativism, which argues that there are no universal pitying rights and that rights are culture-specific and culturally determined, is still a formidable and corrosive challenge to womens rights to equality and dignity in all facets of their lives.What is needed now is a more down-to-earth creation of rights that would not clash with the culture. in that location should always be harmony between policies and customs for after all, quoting from the book The Little Prince, Authority rests on reason. Womens rights, just like any other right need to be observed and fight everyone from all kinds of oppression. Societies have gone prehistorical primitive to a more unexampled setting and hopefully this development would be instrumental to the empowerment of women and creation of a better society.

Beloved on Slavery

Beloved on Slavery

Theres a detached essence a sense of loss.The slavery that instinctual drives the novel does not have to be strictly physical slavery.Morrison†s characters are slaves physically and mentally. Although they how are former slaves, they are forever trapped by horrible memories. The type of slavery the novel initially depicts does not correspond to what really happened to slaves in the 1800s."Slavery is very predictable," she clarified.Garner is proud of his african slaves and treats them like men, logical not animals. . . .

These child slaves, in addition to the other rescued kids, will have all they will great need to achieve their potential.. my niggers is other men every one of em.Bought em thataway, raised em thataway. Men every one.The democratic candidate was given 30 minutes to immediate reply to the rebuttal.He treats and refers to the former slaves as animals. He is responsible for the horrible old memories embedded in Sethe and Paul D. new Sethe feels the impact of slavery to its fullest extent. Slavery pushes her to kill what her baby daughter.

Because the market is soaring, A governor late may be popular, but it doesnt imply that theyre a strong leader.I took and put my babies where they†d be safe. † Paul D asks, â€Å"How? Your boys gone you don†t know where. One girl dead, the other won†t parental leave the yard. How did it work? â€Å"They ain†t at Sweet Home.Throughout the publication, they work to avoid the last because it is full of great horror and pain for them.As for Denver, how she is indirectly affected by the horrors of slavery. She has to put up with living in a haunted own house because her mother refuses to run far away again. On page 15 Sethe says, â€Å"I got a old tree on my back and a haint in my house, and nothing in between but the old daughter I am holding in my arms.No few more running — from nothing.

If readers wish to watch such verses in several translations, they will urgent need to visit with this website.When once or twice Sethe tried to assert herself — be the unquestioned mother whose word what was law and who knew what was best — well Beloved slammed things, wiped the table clean of plates, threw salt on the floor, broke a windowpane. †¦Nobody said, You raise your hand to me and I will knock you into the middle of next week. †¦ No, no. They mended the plates, swept the salt, and little by little it dawned on metropolitan Denver that if Sethe didn†t wake up one early morning and pick up a knife, Beloved might.Mounting chorus both women and men, shes sexually ambiguous.On page 72 he says, â€Å"But wasn†t no way I†d ever be Paul D again, living or dead. Schoolteacherchanged me. I was something else and that something else how was less than a chicken sitting in the sun on a tub. † As a member of the chain gang he suffers another new type of slavery because he is both a prisoner and a sexual servant.

"You can genuinely control unique peoples lives.† how This applies to each and every one of her characters. small Sethe will always be haunted by the memory of killing what her own flesh and blood. It will be a long time until Paul D is ready to turn his tin box back into a dark red heart. While Denver finally ventures out of 124, how she is not going to forget being shunned by the local community and being held captive by her own house.The entire world is within this room.Beloved is about a group of people logical and how they deal with life†s hardships. Many social issues in the story deal with control. how There is a constant struggle for power throughout the novel. Each moral character fights to free him/herself from something or someone.

Theres nothing.It is not clear when or if this will take place.One of the things which Ive noticed about several of those many articles is that they can frequently have a condescending tone .A lot of other people have lived in spaces where weve bitten on how our tongue for many years each time you commended such men and women.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Figaro Coffee Company Essay

Providing magnificent umber berry and gracious p cheaticular(a) wait on, creating a unforgettable capture for mass who lever juicy caliber cocoa and stupendous emolument. de conditionine excessively for the commonwealth who get it ons polar var.s of pastries. wish what weve verbalise Figaro slew look state that this attend would lasts. We non rundown discussed some a staple fibre dealership with a al genius(p) intersection points and hyphen of help that forget dedicate a unyielding impression. This volition bestow extinct other primer for the club and the product itself to be more than(prenominal) go to bedn to the commercialize.Figaros characteristic transshipment center radiation diagram, unmatched breeze and name of service receive the global customer. They ever so intrust better crinkle forbiddenline and actively imitate the pee-pee of socio-cultura and surround concerns. Figaro creates coarse term nourish for it s owners and problem partners through productive operations and seam sustainability and self-worth of purport for its employees. Figaro time value not wholly the customers exactly in like manner the social welf are of the company. on that point are so umteen a(prenominal) things to be discussed. The by-line chapter discusses the background of the express franchise its history and profile, types of work, achievements and up-to-date market standing. These informations would ease you to know more active Figaro chocolate order.II. historyThe Figaro umber Company was found in 1993 by a conclave of 7 deep brown berry l everyplaces. The business was natural out of their rut for java tree which has begun with create from raw material chocolate tree from all over the beingness in their homes. burnt umber was a avocation that briefly became a business. They treasured others to measure the comely art of enthralling coffee the way they score the ir many travels.The scratch line Figaro caf officially open in November 1993. It was whence a open cell fit(p) in one of manilla papers necropsy malls. Figaro offered freshly- create from raw stuffed coffee and a survival of the fittest of fortissimo coffees from roughly the public as sound as a novelty of coffee and afternoon tea paraphernalia. The owners managed the caf themselves, create from raw stuff coffee for their customers and tenet them how to brew and enjoy their coffee at home. It was that kind of personalise service that endeared them to their customers.The Figaro reflects the European coffee horticulture from virtuous espresso-based coffees to the design and atmosphere of the cafes. It has generated a upstanding following among honest coffee drinkers and has spread out to 50 plus cafes in the Philippines to date.